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Contact us.

Prefer to email or start a discussion? We are here to help.

Our team is contactable 9am - 5pm, Monday - Friday, New Zealand Time.

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Three Reasons to Get In Touch.

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You've reached a critical junction.

Changing payroll system? Let's make sure you are not poisoning your new system with incorrect data.

Buying a business? Complete your due diligence on just how much of a liability you may be purchasing.

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It's your turn for a payroll audit.

From one employee to 1,000+ we are industry-leaders in assessment of minimum entitlements. 

From step one: data ingestion, right through to peer review and remediation. 

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Because not all assessments are created equal. And not all payroll systems are as 'compliant' as they claim.

  • Audit an Audit

  • Review of Payroll i.e. Termination

  • Mediations and Hearings

  • Case Law Coaching

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Corporate & Legal.

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Privacy Policy.

This policy explains how we collect, use and share your personal information and how we keep it safe. We hope you find it honest, transparent, and easy to understand.

Download a copy of our Privacy Policy.

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Data Breach Response Plan.

Our Data Breach Response Plan is intended to enable us to act appropriately and in a timely fashion to a suspected Data Breach.

Download a copy of our Data Breach Response Plan.

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