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Payroll Intelligence Group.

The Definitive word in payroll compliance.

We work directly with employers to solve minimum entitlement challenges.
Our technology and consulting is deployed in the most innovative brands in the industry.

Three Reasons to Get In Touch.

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You've reached a critical junction.​

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It's your turn for a payroll audit.

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Changing payroll system? Let's make sure you are not poisoning your new system with incorrect data.

​Buying a business? Complete your due diligence on just how much of a liability you may be purchasing.

From one employee to 1,000+ we are industry-leaders in assessment of minimum entitlements. 

From step one: data ingestion, right through to peer review and remediation. 

Because not all assessments are created equal. And not all payroll systems are as 'compliant' as they claim.

  • ​Audit an Audit

  • Review of Payroll i.e. Termination

  • Mediations and Hearings

  • Case Law Coaching

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Payroll Intelligence Helps Employers.

PayMeRight Helps Employees.

Tempus is Outsourced Payroll.

Forensic payroll assessments for workforces 10 - 1000+ employees

We believe every New Zealand employee should be paid correctly

Globally leading technology, co-piloted by Kiwi experts

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